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Rod Blagojevich was the boil on the Illinois body politic. Yes, he has finally been lanced, but it's going to take a lot more surgery to deal with all the remaining pus.
Voting for this "stimulus" plan, which is short on things that actually stimulate the economy, create jobs, and revitalize the housing sector and long on pet Democratic projects that expand the size of government and reward key interest groups, would be an unmistakable sign that the Republicans have run out of ideas and have no convictions. Such a party would deserve to be in the minority.
Team Obama keeps talking about creating "green jobs." I think the color of the jobs is irrelevant to most Americans, as long as they pay in green.
When raising children, understand the difference between expectations, desires, and goals.
President Obama says he will close the prison at Guantanamo Bay. That's all well and good, I suppose. But where is he going to put the terrorists?
The leftists must be scratching their heads today. Obama promised to oppose the dictators and terrorists, and the BushCheney coup never happened. Not only that, but Bill Ayers was kicked out of Canada.
Quitting is not an option. But strategic redirecion may be perfectly acceptable.
President Bush, who delivered his farewell address last night even as his public approval rating hovers around 30 percent, helped keep this nation safe from further terror attacks for seven years. For that he deserves our thanks. We can only pray Mr. Obama does as well.
This morning the Chicago Tribune has a headline, "Key to battling cold: Dress warmly, experts say." Do we need to dig any deeper to discover why a once-great newspaper is in financial trouble?
Don't act immediately when you become angry. Let your emotions cool whenever possible. You'll probably be glad you did.
D-Day is coming. No, not the invasion of Normandy, but the conversion of most television broadcasts to digital format. Though D-Day is set for February 17, the broadcasters are already bombarding us with warnings about the dire consequences of not having digital televisions, cable, or government-subsidized set-top converters.
Be thankful for each good day, hour, minute, and second. You never know when the phone will ring.
Barack Obama's proposed $775 billion stimulus plan aims to inject massive amounts of cash into the sick economy. What the incoming administration hasn't told us is that the money has to come from somewhere, and it isn't "the government." In fact, this stimulus plan is actually a (disguised) tax plan that will cost every man, woman, and child an average of $2,500. For a family of five, that's $12,500. I know a lot of things I could do with that kind of money, and sending it to D.C. is not high on my list.
Remember when Bill Clinton's main claims to fame were his balanced budgets? And remember when Democrats bemoaned $200 billion Republican deficits for "as far as the eye can see"? Democrats apparently hope you don't.
Believing in God's forgiveness is sometimes harder than believing in your own. But if he can forgive you because of Christ, surely you can forgive yourself.
Abortion reduction is not synonymous with pregnancy reduction. Something for pro-lifers to keep in mind when talking with the Obama administration.
First Rahm Emmanuel, now Bill Richardson. Who among the Friends of Barack will be the next one of whom the president-elect will be forced to say, "That's not the person I knew"? Is all this really the "change we can believe in"? Obama is by all accounts a poor golfer, and he keeps getting political mulligans. It would be nice if the next mulliagan came after the inauguration.
Green experts say you can save 10,000 gallons of water a year by brushing your teeth without water, 20,000 by using a pit toilet, and 100,000 kilowatts by living in a cave.
If you knew 2009 was going to be your final year on earth, how would you spend it, and what kind of person would you be? Do those things. Start today.