Thursday, January 08, 2009

Deficit Deception

Remember when Bill Clinton's main claims to fame were his balanced budgets? And remember when Democrats bemoaned $200 billion Republican deficits for "as far as the eye can see"? Democrats apparently hope you don't.

Now they don't even blink when one of their guys announces that trllion-dollar deficits are ahead for years to come. A cynic might say that Democrats are concerned about deficits only when the other guy is running them up.


Blogger Ravan Asteris said...

Bush's guy wanted the $700 million to give to Wall Street banks so that the CEO could still have their bonuses and parachutes. Without oversight, too. Phrases like "Too big to fail" were thrown around on both sides of the aisle.

No one bailed me out when I was unemployed for 20 months and my credit went down the tubes. Now all of the fat cat brokers, car companies, and people who peddle useless paper have your and my money to squander.

If we're going to take this "stimulus" out of the pockets of future generations, I want at least some return on investment for me, not just for the people who sink their money into paper games and ponzi schemes on Wall Street.

IMO, my original opinion still stands: "No Bail Outs, Period!" If I have to be subject to "market forces" in my own housing, credit and health care affairs, including having to pay my bills on time or have my credit trashed, then the stupid banks and stock market charlatans can too.

5:01 PM  

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