Rules for Living
No. 68: Don't insult Santa Claus before Christmas.
Because Ideas Matter
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"Crime, Confiscation, Corruption: Let Obama do for America What He Did for Chicago."
Most people do a little homework before they make a major purchase, whether it be a couch or a car. Yet with the sleek, shiny, new Obamamobile, millions are refusing to even kick the tires, much less look under the hood. I fear we're about to end up with a real lemon, and we won't be able to trade it in for another four years.
Bill Clinton's most famous quote may have been, "The era of big government is over." Now that the era of small government is over, I expect that the former president's most notable quote will be, "I did not have sex with that woman-Miss Lewinsky."
The Barack Obama express seemingly is rolling to a convincing victory on November 4. Nothing seems to stop it: not the shady characters who've been shoved off (among them Tony Rezko, Jeremiah Wright, and Bill Ayers), not Obama's lack of experience and big spending promises, not his simplistic and naive approach to foreign policy, and not even the cognitive dissonance created by his moderate words and his radical, pro-abortion history. Certainly not the dithering and ineffectual John McCain.
They're talking about a crash in the stock market. I don't know if I'm that optimistic yet. Doesn't a crash connote that we have hit bottom? Regardless, this could be one of those times that those who are fleeing Wall Street regret. Not only are they locking in their losses (selling low); they may be missing one of those once-in-a-generation opportunities to buy low. Panic is the enemy of the investor.
Barack Obama wants to do for health care what Barney Frank did for the housing industry. Who wouldn't vote for that?
Though two vice presidential candidates will be debating tonight, only one will be under the microscope. It's time for Sarah Palin to take the training wheels off, and the gloves. The Alaska governor must be able to demonstrate her convictions, her personality, and her grasp of the key issues facing the country (not all the minutia). All Joe Biden has to do is avoid the big gaffe.