Chicago Express
The Barack Obama express seemingly is rolling to a convincing victory on November 4. Nothing seems to stop it: not the shady characters who've been shoved off (among them Tony Rezko, Jeremiah Wright, and Bill Ayers), not Obama's lack of experience and big spending promises, not his simplistic and naive approach to foreign policy, and not even the cognitive dissonance created by his moderate words and his radical, pro-abortion history. Certainly not the dithering and ineffectual John McCain.
But the express from Chicago ain't taking any chances for the candidate of "change." ACORN, a liberal group with which Obama has long ties, is implicated in a series of voter registration irregularities in Ohio and elsewhere. When in doubt, cheat. That's Barack Obama: bringing corrupt Chicago politics to the national stage. Now I'm just waiting for him to say, "That's not the ACORN I knew"-after the election.
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