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Don't wait for new circumstances, such as a job change, more money, or improved health, before you start enjoying your life to the full. Do it now. Don't waste a minute waiting for life to happen to you. Life begins today.
It seems Al Sharpton is refusing to accept the apoloogies of Michael Richards for the comedian's racist ranting. I guess Reverend Al shouldn't be too surprised if folks don't accept his apologies for his own vicious comments about race (which harmed real people). Oh, wait a minute. Reverend Al never did apologize.
The assassination of a prominent Christian diplomat in Lebanon is more evidence that although Syria has pulled its troops out, it continues to hinder the development of democracy in the Middle East.
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Come, Ye Thankful People, Come
Following the ugly, racist rant of comedian Michael Richards on Friday night, members of Hollywood's tolerant entertainment community finally found a sin they are in no mood to forgive. "Once the word comes out of your mouth and you don't happen to be African-American, then you have a whole lot of explaining" to do, comedian Paul Rodriguez told CNN. "Freedom of speech has its limitations, and I think Michael Richards found those limitations."
Over the weekend I saw a commericial for a new movie called Deck the Halls. The ad touted the film as a new family classic for the holidays. But the fine print said, "Some content may not be suitable for children." I guess they must have been talking about all those childless families out there, huh?
China is now admitting that organs are being harvested from executed prisoners. No one is saying so, but it wouldn't be surprising if some of these "donors" are imprisoned for political, religious, or human rights reasons. Many of the recipients come from the West, including the United States.
Who are all those people who could afford to be in line at a store for a couple of days and then fork over $600 (more than many computers cost) for a Play Station 3? They obviously have too much time and money on their hands. All this wretched excess when millions upon millions on the earth earn the equivalent of a dollar a day. What must the world's poor think of us? What must God?
Speaker Nancy Pelosi (who's looking a lot like a certain junior senator from New York these days) suffered her first major defeat yesterday, when her own colleagues rejected John "Cut and Run" Murtha, her choice to be majority leader. Funny how the press has been playing old Abscam tapes of Murtha over the last couple of days. Too bad they didn't do it when he was undermining the troops in Iraq last year. It's also funny how, now that they actually have some power and responsibility, the Democrats are quietly abandoning their "get out of Iraq" line. It's amazing what happens to your rhetoric when you are actually held accountable.
The state-sponsored lottery in Illinois is already advertising lottery tickets as great "holiday gifts." I don't know about that. When you care enough to send the very best, don't send me a lottery ticket, which is almost certainly a loser. Instead, wait until you win, and send me a share.
The press is making much of Saul Arellano, a 7-year-old "American citizen" who yesterday lobbied Mexican legislators to lobby the U.S. administration on behalf of his illegal immigrant mother, who is holed up in a Chicago church to avoid her legal deportation for violating this country's immigration laws. One can't help but root for the spunky little guy, but I have some questions:
The Democrats won control of Congress by running candidates who are more conservative than their party's leadership–more conservative, in fact, than some of the Republicans they defeated. So in some ways Congress under Democratic control might be more conservative than it was under the do-nothing Republicans. One wonders if Harry and Nancy will recognize this.
Student leaders at a community college in Orange County, California, have voted to ban the Pledge of Allegiance, saying they don't want to follow God or the U.S. government. I wonder if they'll be quite so smug about their elected leaders and their Creator during the next terrorist attack or natural disaster.
Memo to the President: Flush with victory, Nancy Pelosi is extending an olive branch to you. Before you accept it, check it for thorns. The Democrats were far from magnanimous losers, so don't be surprised if they aren't magnanimous winners.
Yesterday Nancy Pelosi, the next Speaker of the House, seemed to suggest that if American troops were pulled out of Iraq that the thugs and terrorists attempting to drive us out would leave, too. For a Democrat who likes to point to the example of Vietnam, I have a hard time believing even Pelosi is that naive. In Vietnam, when the U.S. withdrew, the bad guys took over, instituting a reign of terror. The same will certainly happen in Iraq. What's Pelosi smoking? Medical marijuana?
Two years after going down in flames with John Kerry, today Democrats are strutting their stuff. Running without an idea except "blame Bush," the Democrats have seized control of the House and may well do so in the Senate. Once they sweep up the empty champagne bottles and confetti, the Democrats (and the Americans who put them in power) face some vital questions:
Facing the prospect of the Iraqi people doing unto him what he did to untold tens of thousands of them, ex-dictator Saddam Hussein is now asking (to paraphrase), "What would Jesus do?" God might forgive the "Butcher of Baghdad," but something tells me the Iraqi people won't.
Voting is not only a right; it's a privilege. While in some quarters the government basically tries to bribe people to vote (by entering voters into state-sponsored lotteries, for example), I believe we need to limit the vote to those who have made the effort to be informed. This is a democracy. Only citizens who take their duties seriously should participate.
Saddam Hussein was finally convicted Sunday of some of his crimes against humanity, to which the Democrats gave their customary two cheers. Then they complain that the verdict was politically timed to hurt them in tomorrow's elections. I guess it could hurt them, if voters' attention spans are long enough for them to remember that if Democratic Party leaders' advice had been followed, Saddam would still be in power.
emotional affair: When the principals get caught before the guy has talked the the girl into removing her clothes.
What's bad news for John Kerry and Barack Obama is good news for Hillary Clinton, who enjoyed a very good week indeed. She got to blast Kerry while appearing concerned for the troops. Then she no doubt read the story in the Chicago Tribune about Illinois Senator (and media darling) Barack Obama and his sweetheart real estate deal with the just-indicted political fixer Tony Rezko. It should take her operatives all of about two hours to dig up enough sludge to stop the Obama presidential express in its tracks.
Realizing that his attempt to blame Republicans for his tasteless comment about the troops has only made matters worse, John Kerry has now decided to apologize if his "botched joke" offended anyone who misinterpreted it. In other words, he is still blaming others for his own gaffe. Remember, this is the guy who was among the first to throw Senate colleague Trent Lott under the bus for ill-advised remarks praising Strom Thurmond. Kerry is the same guy who in 1971 accused soldiers of rape and murder. Now he wants us to believe he simply misquoted himself? As Vice President Cheney said, "He was for the joke before he was against it."
Just when Republican election prospects couldn't look any bleaker, the other day John Kerry managed to remind Americans why they voted Republican two years ago. At a political gathering the blueblood senator from Massachusetts again insulted our military men and women, remarking, "Education, if you make the most of it, you study hard, you do your homework and you make an effort to be smart, you can do well. And if you don't, you get stuck in Iraq."