Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Thank You for Staying Home

Voting is not only a right; it's a privilege. While in some quarters the government basically tries to bribe people to vote (by entering voters into state-sponsored lotteries, for example), I believe we need to limit the vote to those who have made the effort to be informed. This is a democracy. Only citizens who take their duties seriously should participate.

So please don't vote if:

- you haven't looked into the character and platforms of the candidates;
- you don't know who your congressman and senators are;
- you can't succinctly describe our system of government at the local, state, and national levels;
- you are easily swayed by slogans and naked appeals to emotion;
- you expect the government to provide and care for you;
- you don't have a job and pay taxes;
- you have no discernible political philosophy;
- you simply follow the orders of someone who is more informed;
- you support a candidate only because of his or her race or disability;
- you can't figure out the ballot;
- you take political attack ads at face value.

There's nothing virtuous in casting an ignorant vote.


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