Thursday, December 31, 2009

4 Qs

The headlines say that American spy agencies didn't share with one another what they knew about the man who would become known as the underwear bomber. Four questions: (1) Wasn't that the problem before September 11, 2001-not sharing intel? (2) Isn't that what the liberals have wanted ever since 9/11 in their tooth-and-nail approach to security measures such as the Patriot Act? (3) Why are they acting surprised now? (4) Does everyone feel safer?

Tuesday, December 29, 2009


To increase homeland security, rather than the current Obama policy of shipping Guantanamo detainees to Yemen, where they can receive further training, I have a better idea: Let's ship Janet Napolitano to Yemen.

Saturday, December 26, 2009


Kudos to the passengers on Flight 253 for doing what the PC airport screeners apparently couldn't: stopping a terror suspect before he could kill them.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Presents vs. the Gift

On Christmas Day we receive presents and unwrap them. On that first Christmas we received the Gift and wrapped him. "They wrapped him in swaddling cloths and laid him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn."

If you possess this Gift, have the best Christmas ever. Presents are strictly optional.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Stomach Setup

When did an upset stomach become the medical condition known as "stomach upset"? And is it at all related to "ache head"?

Thursday, December 17, 2009


Critics of global warmism are chuckling that it's snowing in Copenhagen during the climate summit. Hey, it always snows in Denmark, doesn't it?

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Fat Cat

President Obama yesterday jawboned at the "fat cat" bankers for not making enough loans, apparently forgetting that what he wants was a key cause of the financial mess we're in. Meanwhile, others in the financial industry can't return their bailout money fast enough. They apparently are growing tired of the demagoguery emanating from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Grade Inflation

Barack Obama gives himself a B-plus for his first year in office. Talk about grade inflation. Judging by the plunging opinion polls and the lack of any positive accomplishments (save picking up his Nobel Prize), the American people's verdict on the president's record is considerably lower.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Lighten Up

Breaking a tradition that has held since Eisenhower, President Obama has declined to send Christmas cards this year, I suppose to avoid offending non-Christians. Well, I'm a Christian, and I'll admit to being offended. Our president, who proclaims his Christianity when politically convenient, has no hesitation in celebrating whatever Jewish or Muslim holiday, but suddenly he gets super-sensitive when it comes to a Christian holiday. It's Christmas, Mr. Obama. Lighten up.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Imagining Obama in Oslo

A good speech generally by our president in defending war as a necessity and acknowledging the presence of evil in the world. Mr. Obama would have done even better and been more statesmanlike if he had taken this undeserved prize and promised to give it to someone more deserving.

Rob Schwarzwalder of the Family Research Council has a good suggestion for someone far more worthy of this award: Gao Zhisheng, a Christian human riights attorney in China who has been missing since Feb. 4. Imagine the credit Obama would have received if he has said he would give it to Gao and demand that the Chinese release him. Talk about the audacity of hope!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

This Is Warming?

As blizzards and snowstorms wallop much of the country before winter officially arrives, an anxious nation looks for answers. Ah, yes-now I have it! There's a global warminng conference going on.

Wednesday, December 09, 2009


Harry Reid continues his late-night wheeling and dealing to try to cobble together a health care "reform" coalition to pass something, anything, that Obama can sign. Who asked this political hack to take over one-sixth of the American economy, and is this the way to proceed on so serious a matter?

Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Going to Meeting

If global warming is such a threat, why don't the Copenhagen congregants forego their small army of carbon-emitting private jets and limos and just use

Monday, December 07, 2009

Snow Job

On December 7, what is the top story in Chicago? It's not Mayor Dailey blowing a billion dollars of taxpayer money. It's not the Asian carp threatening to destroy commercial fishing in the Great Lakes. It's the snow.

Sometimes I think the media just aren't trying.

Sunday, December 06, 2009

God Bless

After the 32-13 shellacking by Alabama in yesterday's SEC championship ggame, Gator quarterback Tim Tebow gave a tearful, classy interview and ended with his usual "God bless." Don't worry, Tim. He already has.

Saturday, December 05, 2009

One Job

President Obama says, "Even one job lost is one too many." I agree.

Unless it's his.

Friday, December 04, 2009


Yesterday's "jobs summit" is having immediate results. Today the Commerce Department announced that the official unemployment rate "improved" to 10 percent. Who says talk is cheap? Let's have summits for marriage, morality, global warming, prayer, the homeless, and poor math skills.

Wait ... I think we already have.

Thursday, December 03, 2009

High Price

Amid their wild pre-Christmas shopping spree, the Democrats are suddenly complaining about the price of one item in their basket: the war in Afghanistan. Apparently health care "reform," which has no warrant in the Constitution, is more important to them than national defense, which does. They can rest assured that the Taliban and al Qaeda will be happy to go along.

Wednesday, December 02, 2009


Last night President Obama tried to have it both ways and may end up alienating everyone. Bowing to military necessity, he commendably ordered that more troops be sent to Afghanistan. But as a sop to his leftist base, he didn't ask for as many as his general says are needed to win, and he announced a date when the U.S. will leave, no doubt emboldening the terrorists.

Since the Democrats will be unhappy with anything short of unilateral withdrawal, Obama should have simply announced we would "pay any price for the advance of liberty." Instead, he appears weak and vacillating. Let's hope his spine stiffens as events unfold. There's a war to win.

Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Tonight's Speech

Our president has finally reached a decision about Afghanistan. Let's pray it is a good one. Tonight I don't want to hear about a "limited surge" or a "timetable for withdrawal." Remember, this is the war Mr. Obama said we had to win, so I want to hear about "victory." Does he have the plan, the troops, and, most of all, the will to pull it off? Our soldiers are giving their best in this fight. It's time for the president to do the same.