Thursday, January 31, 2008

Jesus and ESPN

Dana ("F*** Jesus!") Jacobson's drunken rant drew a wrist slap from ESPN-a one-week suspension. I believe most places of business would have fired her, no questions asked, just for her inebriated state at a company function. But I've never advocated that people lose their jobs for ill-chosen or politically incorrect remarks. A real apology would be nice, though. It's interesting that ESPN, which fired Rush Limbaugh over much less, apparently believes it is worse to impugn the motives of sportswriters than to insult Jesus Christ and his 2 billion followers worldwide.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Fueling Racism?

Two weeks after the innocent gaffe about fellow golfers "lynching" Tiger Woods, certain columnists are still calling for the Golf Channel commentator to be fired. Her repeated apologies (and Tiger's acceptance) apparently are not enough for these race merchants. The rest of us have moved on. Why can't they? It's sad, really. They may inadvertently be helping to fuel the very racism that they decry.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Fred Who?

Fred Thompson has recognized the inevitable and dropped out of the race. While I'll miss his conservative positions and sonorous voice, in one sense I'm glad. In my view, he hadn't done enough with his political career to be considered as a serious presidential candidate.

Of course, neither has Barack Obama.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008


Last night at the South Carolina Democratic debate, when asked whether Bill Clinton was the first African-American president, Barack Obama averred that he didn't know, and that he would have to see the former president dance first. If any other candidate had said that, it would have been a career killer. And I'm still surprised that Obama has gotten away with this stereotyping.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Finally Noticed

Facing a steady stream of cutting remarks from the former president, Barack Obama is telling Bill Clinton to act like a former president. Glad someone finally noticed. He's been doing this for seven years.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Pocket Stimulus

In the name of "economic stimulus" and to head off a recession, Uncle Sam is close to writing me a check. Now don't get me wrong, I'll take the money. But I wonder from whose pocket it comes?

Thursday, January 17, 2008

No Room for Hate

There is no room for hate in the heart of a person who loves Jesus Christ.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Happy Today

Some people don't have this option, but if you do: Choose to be happy rather than unhappy today.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

A Mulligan for Hillary?

If the announcer for the Golf Channel got a two-week suspension for her allegedly "racially insensitive" remarks about Tiger Woods, how many weeks does Hillary Clinton get for her comments about Martin Luther King, Jr.? Or does Hillary get a mulligan? It will be interesting to see how "the politics of personal destruction" play out among Democrats, whose leaders are usually only too willing to place the race card against Republicans.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Piling On

A tearful T.O. says Tony Romo's Mexican junket (which he paid for) with Jessica Simpsom is not to blame fur yesterday's playoff collapse. Accuse me of piling on if you want to, but even if that is true, is it wise for the team's star player to be thinking about anything but football just days before the biggest game of his life? Vacations should start after the season is over.

Friday, January 11, 2008

The Endorsement

Kerry endorsing Obama is a little like Zamfir endorsing Elvis.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

And Then There Were Three

Democrat Gov. Bill Richardson has removed himself as a candidate after another fourth-place showing, leaving Senators Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and John Edwards to duke it out for the nomination.

Bill who?

Wednesday, January 09, 2008


Be thankful today, no matter what the challenges might be.

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Doo Not

When dealing with turkeys, don't let the doo stick.

Monday, January 07, 2008

Appropriate Prayer

Prayer is always appropriate.

Saturday, January 05, 2008

Thin Ice

Don't insist on your right to walk on thin moral ice.

Friday, January 04, 2008

If Two Trees Fall in the Forest ....

After their poor showings in Iowa, Democrats Joe Biden and Christopher Dodd have let it be known they are dropping out of the presidential campaign. That's funny. I never thought they were actually in it.

Thursday, January 03, 2008

Not Your Job

You are not your job.

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Restoring Sportsmanship to Football

Football is supposed to be fun, but all the taunting, pointing, flipping, and choreography when a player scores are too much. If self-absorbed athletes have forgotten how to act when they score in this ultimate of team sports and a 15-yard unsportsmanlike conduct penalty is not enough, perhaps it will take drastic measures to get their attention. Why not simply take the touchdown off the scoreboard? I'll be that would take care of the problem.

Tuesday, January 01, 2008


This year, resolve to keep your resolutions, and to keep them few.