Throw-Away Days
There are no throw-away days. Make the best of this one. Live as if it's the only one you have.
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There are no throw-away days. Make the best of this one. Live as if it's the only one you have.
If you had a terminal condition, you would count each day as precious and irreplaceable. You do, so start counting.
It's harder to trust God when things aren't going well. But we still gotta do it!
Iran's President Ahmadinejad-who denies the Holocaust and Israel's right to exist-has received an invitation to speak at Columbia University. Columbia officials say it is a "free speech" issue. Lovely. I wonder when an Iranian university will reciprocate with George W. Bush? Oh, yes-they don't have free speech-at least not much of it-in Iran. Thousands are languishing in political prisons in Iran right now because they dared to speak out against Ahmadinejad's corrupt regime.
It sounds as if the charges of attempted murder were indeed overly severe in Jena. But is the once-proud Civil Rights movement reduced to defending thugs? In the old days, there were real grievances, such as not being able to sit at a lunch counter or being ordered to the back of the bus. But I'm having a hard time working up sympathy for six toughs who beat up a white guy-or for the people defending them.
Concerning the Jena controversy, Jesse Jackson says Barack Obama is "acting too white." Wow. Can you imagine a white opinion leader accusing a white politician of "acting too black"? If not, why do we allow Jackson to get away with it?
Sally Field is complaining because the network that broadcast the Emmys (not the government) pulled the plug on her anti-war rant during her acceptance speech. Field calls it censorship. I call it a wise decision about an event that is supposed to be about entertainment.
A company that cannot or will not promote from within is a company without long-term prospects.
The latest polls indicate the Hillary Clinton's campaign for the presidency is unsinkable. Like the Titanic steaming toward the iceberg.
For Viagra or Cialis: "Be sure to ask your undertaker if you're healthy enough for sexual activity."
Even before Gen. Petraeus provided his Iraq assessment yesterday, prominent Democrats were attacking his character. Remember when politics used to stop at the water's edge? Today, above all others, let's remember that.
No. 136: Before you honk at someone on the way to work, make sure he isn't your boss.
Last night the pumped-up pregame show went on forever; the National Anthem was grossly overdone by a "celebrity" wearing a cheap blond wig; Keith Olbermann produced a halftime commentary even more embarrassing than his recent one defending Michael Vick; and we had to sit through even more stupid commericials from the overexposed Peyton Manning.
Oprah Winfrey loves to tell people what to do, be, and think, and many folks are just dying to get her marching orders. While Winfrey has used her fame and fortune for a lot of good causes, she is far from infallible. Now she has gone to the trouble of telling us who she thinks would be the best president. Anyone who votes for political greenhorn Barack Obama based on Oprah's endorsement needs to stop watching TV talkfests and get a life. And they said Christians are poor, uneducated, and easy to command.
Now Larry Craig is saying he might stay and fight his own guilty plea in connection with a sex sting operation in a Minneapolis airport bathroom stall. This again proves the point: Politicians are always the last to realize when it is over.