Saturday, September 16, 2006

Religion of Peace 14

In his speech "Faith, Reason, and the University" earlier this week, Pope Benedict quoted the Byzantine Emperor Manuel II Paleologus," who said, "Show me just what Mohammed brought that was new, and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached."

Not surprisingly, many Muslims are outraged, not by the historical fact that Islam (by the teaching and example of its founder) did spread through violence, but the fact that someone brought this inconvenient truth up.

A spokeswoman for the Pakistani Foreign Ministry, Tasnim Aslam, warned, "Anyone who describes Islam as a religion as intolerant encourages violence." So let me get this straight. If we say that Islam is intolerant, Muslims will react intolerantly.

Doesn't that prove the point?


Blogger Seven Star Hand said...

More proof that religion is the opposite of truth, wisdom, and justice

Now we have the infallible Grand Inquisitor (the pot) lecturing Islam (the kettle) about spreading religion through violence (dark deeds) and quoting a Dark Ages text while the USA and Europe are in the midst of the Neo-Crusades. Does anyone else see the irony and absurdity in this situation? Dear Pope, ever heard of Karma? What goes around comes around.

The West has killed far more Muslims than they have killed westerners, yet our press and leaders can only see Muslim desperation in the face of western military and economic dominance, (all in the name of God and country), as the sources of evil in this world.

Guess what guys and girls, war is evil, no matter what the excuse or cause or who is doing the killing. Any idiot who thinks the Creator would judge religion, war, or profiting at the expense of others as wise or acceptable activities has a very big surprise in store.

Here is Wisdom...

6:50 PM  
Blogger Stan Guthrie said...

I'm no Catholic, but my guess is that the Catholic Church has learned something from the sorry Crusades, which began about a thousand years ago. Why hasn't Islam?

I agree that war is always attended by evil, and that it is often sin in itself. But not always. Was war against Hitler evil? Let's dispense with the facile analysis.

5:01 PM  

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