The Incomplete Legacy of 9/11
Five years ago, our nation was briefly unified in the face of terrorism. We knew it was evil and that we must defeat it. Today, despite missteps in Iraq and with homeland security, we have not had a comparable attack, and many of the Islamist masterminds are either dead or hiding in caves. Saddam Hussein is in jail, no longer able to terrorize his people. Democracy is attempting to take root in the hard soil of the Middle East. Thousands of brave U.S. soldiers (and untold numbers of Iraqis) have given their lives to make the world a safer place.
But, unfortunately, the Democrats have become the party of appeasement and defeat. From opposing funding for the troops to wringing their hands over the Valerie Plame non-scandal to hounding Joseph Lieberman out of the party, these people have attempted, not once but continually, to convince the American people that the real threat to America is not Osama bin Laden and those like him, but George W. Bush and Donald Rumsfeld (John Ashcroft having since moved on). Hoping to win back political power, they have cheered every setback of this adminstration, from Abu Ghraib to incessant car bombings in Baghdad.
Until we all figure out who the real enemy is and decide to work together, our civilization is at risk. The Islamists know this and are exploiting our divisions for all they are worth. Let's stop letting them.
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