Good Riddance
Amid all the devastation on the Gulf Coast, there is one small sliver of hope: The Cindy Sheehan media circus has been shut down. Casey Sheehan deserves better. This woman used her son's death to advance a loony, hyper-left agenda, and the bored and partisan mainstream media gave her far more than her allotted 15 minutes of fame. We need people of good will to pull the nation together in this time of disaster. We don't need opportunists like Cindy Sheehan exploiting tragedy for their own personal or political gain.
And that goes for all the partisans attempting to pin blame for the monumental mess in New Orleans on President Bush. There is more than enough blame to go around, and it starts in Louisiana with the officials who left the city unprepared before the storm and unprotected afterward. For them to now attempt to finger global warming, Bush's alleged indifference, and the Iraq war is worse than pitiful. It's self-serving drivel, and here's hoping they end up as forgotten as Cindy Sheehan.
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