Wednesday, August 24, 2005


When the Rev. Pat Robertson advocated the assassination of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, the Defense Department was quick to disavow his remarks. The United States, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said, does not kill world leaders. One could be forgiven, however, for wondering if Rumsfeld might make an exception in the case of Robertson.

Another thought: If the media outrage over Robertson's stupid remark lasts for the rest of the week, it will officially eclipse coverage of Islamic extremists beheading innocent victims on videotape.

Let's face it: Robertson is an old man who has forgotten (if he ever knew) how to control his tongue. The main consequence of this latest loony utterance is to make fellow evangelicals look bad.

Robertson, who has done a great deal of good with his life and ministry, and Cindy Sheehan have something in common. They talk too much, and they don't have someone in their inner circle with the guts to tell them to be quiet.


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