Tuesday, March 21, 2006


The secular left has been worried for some time about theocracy-not from militant Muslims, who actually practice it, but from Christians, who still have the temerity to think they have a right to participate in the public square. Turns out the left should worry about another theocratic religion: Scientology.

Prominent Scientologist Tom Cruise apparently had a March 15 rerun of the South Park cable series poking fun at the sci-fi religion of the late L. Ron Hubbard pulled from the air. Cruise threatened to not promote a big-budget movie he's starring in this summer, Mission: Impossible 3, if the offending program went on the air again. (Well, there's one movie I won't have to waste time on.)

South Park is a raunchy, equal-opportunity offender, with a Jesus character hosting a public access program nobody watches. Yet it is Cruise, a Hollywood liberal, not "theocrat" Jerry Falwell, who shuts down free expression when his own beliefs come under scrutiny.

Tom, meet Osama.


Blogger steve581 said...

Maybe we are like the frog put in a pot of water and the heat slowly turned up. Just look at the debate over the propogandist teacher in Colorado. We are debating whether he has a right to blatantly push his political agenda onto students, yet let a student wish to express his personal religious opinion and all hell breaks loose. It comes down to this reality....one side (people with a traditional religious world view) are accused of wanting to dictate and control societal evolution and the other side (people with a secular humanist worldview) are actually doing it.

5:59 AM  

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