Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Playing Politics

Since September 12, 2001, President Bush has done an amazing job protecting this country from terrorist attacks. Yet in the face of partisan attacks from Democrats over the Patriot Act and the terror surveilance program, he has said little about this record.

But as public support for the war on terror slips and as control of Congress goes up for grabs later this year, apparently Mr. Bush decided to go on the public relations offensive and tell America a bit about his homeland security successes. Apparently we have thwarted 10 potential terrorist operations.

Now the Democrats, who have done nothing but play politics with national security issues, are crying foul because Bush is ... a politician. Of course he is, and if he doesn't rally support to his cause as a good politician should, this war will be lost. Keep telling us the truth, Mr. Bush. We need it.


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