Monday, February 06, 2006

A Tale of Two Holmgrens

Yesterday during the Super Bowl, a couple of people named Holmgren were working in two kingdoms.

  • The one kingdom exalts those with power and wealth; the other, a King who emptied Himself of glory, who became poor that we might become rich.

  • The one kingdom values athletic perfection, warlike planning and aggression; the other a Messiah who was pierced through for our transgressions, whose death at first seemed a senseless waste of a life filled with promise.

  • The one kingdom was on gaudy display via excited electrons that lit countless homes and sports bars throughout the world in an unnatural blue light. The other comes only to those who have eyes to see and ears to hear.

  • The one kingdom produces unimaginably pricey commercials that use loveless sex and silliness to get us to buy burgers, cell phones, and beer. The other counsels that we sell all to acquire a priceless hidden treasure.

  • The one kingdom calls us to preen, prance and thump our chests before emotionally frenzied fans. The other calls some of us to serve gladly in a place that few have heard of and even fewer would want to visit.

  • The rewards in the one kingdom, though lavish, quickly tarnish. The rewards in the other are reserved for us forever in a place that most people pay lip service to but who live as though it doesn’t exist.

  • The one kingdom values victory above all else. The other takes victory from defeat, hope from despair, life from death.

    Which kingdom are you serving?


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