Wednesday, September 07, 2005

The Samaritan

There was a man who was walking along the road. Thieves came, beat him up, took all his belongings, and left him to die. A Samaritan saw him, bandaged his wounds, and brought him to an inn where he could get well.

But before the Samaritan could continue on his journey, the innkeeper told him that he could not keep the man because of the liability issue, so the Samaritan took him home. The man, still dazed but recovering, sued the Samaritan for bringing him to an unlicensed facility and for inflicting emotional distress.

Celebrities highlighted the case of the incompetent Samaritan on their daytime talk shows and on Entertainment Tonight. Democrats promised to hold hearings into the Samaritan's embarrassing lack of planning and alleged animus toward the man.

Some time later, thieves came upon another man along the road. There was no Samaritan to help him.


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