Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Tooth Fairies

Do tooth fairies have day jobs?


Blogger said...

Dear Stan,

My name is Cosmin Pascu, and i am the editor of the Romanian Journal of Mission.
I know that as an editor you could be busy with lots of articles to write. We have started our Journal this year and the load of work is demanding.

I was wondering if you would like to contribute with an article on mission? It will be much treasured by the Romanian pastors, who are eager to learn how to serve Christ people.

The next format of our Journal will focus on the responsabilities that the Church should have towards the local mission.

It will be great if you can help us..

With a thankful heart,
Cosmin Pascu - this journal is in Romanian, registration is free!

4:01 PM  
Blogger Stan Guthrie said...


Thank you for your kind request. Unfortunately, I am too busy to write something for your journal. How about if you look at my book and reprint one of the chapters? Just include the following line with the reprint: "Copyright 2005 Stan Guthrie. Used by permission."

Or if you can find nothing suitable in the book, go to my list of articles on this website. Perhaps you can find something there. Also use the copyright notice.

One reprint will be no problem. Then please send me a copy when you are done.

Best wishes with your important work.

Stan Guthrie

8:45 AM  

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