In the Name of Tolerance
In regard to the Billy Packer flap (the know-it-all basketball analyst used the old-fashioned term "fags out" in an interview and now is enduring the expected public lynching from the police of political correctness), it kind of reminds me of the absurd controversy when a hapless professor used the word "niggardly" and was accused of racism. I want someone to tell me when the old "f-bomb" became chic and when the three-letter version became the Deplorable Word.
Michael Ray Richardson and shock-jock Don Imus are also in rhetorical hot water, this time for more obviously using bigoted words. But we must not forget that those who attempt to control speech also attempt to control thought. Whenever someone transgresses the new speech code, most people jump on the crucifixion bandwagon, fearful of being labeled soft on bigotry themselves.
And all this in the name of tolerance? Good luck!
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