Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Seeking Another Scalp

Having gotten the scalp of "Scooter" Libby after a politically motivated investigation of a non-crime, the Democrats have set their sights on Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez. This time, the "infraction" is that the president fired eight U.S. attorneys. Never mind that they served at the president's pleasure and that former President Clinton fired, in one fell swoop, all 93 U.S. attorneys during his watch.

Have the Democrats forgotten that we are fighting a war on terror? That the administration is trying to bring democracy and order to Iraq? That the president is facing myriad challenges to keep this country prosperous and safe? That he is the president serving not just the Republicans, but every other group? Why then are they continually undermining his administration as if he is the enemy?

Meanwhile, al Qaeda and Taliban sympathizers can only laugh, watching us tear ourselves apart. No wonder they see us as feckless and irresolute.


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