The Democratic Response
Today's Democratic Party leaders, having jettisoned their credibility in the war on terror, have dredged up Zbigniew Brzezinski, national security advisor in the disastrous Carter administration, to carry their anti-war water for them. Yesterday, in the Democratic response to President Bush's radio address outlining progress in Iraq, Brzezinski charged that the war has been conducted with "tactical and strategic incompetence." Perhaps we should listen to him. Brzezinski, on hand for Jimmy's triumph in Iran, surely knows incompetence when he sees it.
Even if Brzezinski is right, that mistakes were made, so what? Doesn't that happen in every war? And what American purpose does it serve now to tear down the commander-in-chief during wartime, especially right after a presidential address? I don't remember hearing about a "Republican response" after FDR gave one of his fireside chats to the American people during World War II. Such disloyalty would have been unthinkable. Remember when politics used to stop at the water's edge?
And is Brzezinski blind to the effect his words will have on our troops on the ground? Is he oblivious that he is playing into the hands of the terrorists, who know they cannot win militarily and thus are counting on us losing our resolve in a deadly war of attrition? Thanks to such mindless and partisan criticism, we are that much closer to turning a fledgling democracy back over to the thugs. If we cut and run and the torture and rape rooms open for business again, the Iraqi people will have people like Zbigniew Brzezinski to thank for it.
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