In the Toilet
Following the biased, anti-administration reporting of the New York Times and CBS News before it, Newsweek's admission that its "toilet story" was fabricated further flushes the mainstream media's credibility down the Porta-Potty. Only this time, the people who were really hurt were the Muslims who died in resulting street violence. I guess it's time to revise the old bumper sticker slogan from "Clinton Lied, Monica Cried; Bush Lied, People Died" to "Newsweek Lied, People Died."
Read my earlier thought, "Religion of Peace 1" (before Newsweek was exposed). Muslims at the time said they were upset, so I don't think I need to rethink my thesis.
And besides, is Newsweek in the business of giving pretexts to nutcases? They surely did with this "report."
Here's the latest from White House spokesman Scott McClellan: "There has been some lasting damage that has been done to our image... and it's going to take some work to repair that damage."
Thanks, Newsweek.
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