Day of Prayer
At a conference in New York City last weekend called "Examining the Real Agenda of the Religious Far Right," sponsored by the City University of New York and People For the American Way, participants warned gravely about America's looming theocracy. Sessions on subjects such as "Fundamentalism: the Fear and the Rage," "Is Unholy Theocracy Here?" and "On the Psychology and Theocracy of George W. Bush: Reflections in a Culture of Fear" stoked liberal paranoia. What's a Christian to do in the face of such ignorant and irrational secular rage? Yes, lies must be answered, but columnist George Will notes that Christians are too well established in this society to credibly claim the status of victim. "Some Christians should practice the magnanimity of the strong," Will says, "rather than cultivate the grievances of the weak." Good advice. Today is the National Day of Prayer. Let's pray not only for our country, but for those who hate us.
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