Saturday, March 12, 2005

Rose-Colored Stupidity

Brian Nichols, the accused rapist who murdered a judge and two other people yesterday at a Fulton County courtroom and who is still at large, apparently was being escorted–without handcuffs–by a lone female deputy when he went on his deadly rampage. Whatever else this case represents, it's hard to resist the conclusion that political correctness combined with general stupidity played a role. The attorney for Nichols said, "Even the larger deputies I don't think would be any match for Brian Nichols." Those who insist a woman can do any job a man can do are ignoring physical reality and shouldn't complain when big, burly thugs like Nichols refuse to go along with their rose-colored version of reality.


Blogger Stan Guthrie said...

From the e-mail bag:

"I agree completely. And another thing: It is politically-correct stupidity to have affirmative action in our police force, including courtroom guards. She was a woman. She was small. She was a grandmother.

I see this at the Glen Ellyn Jewel. Small women bag groceries and struggle to lift bags into the cart while young men fumble their way on a cash register.

"I get so sick of this crud. Men and women are identical except that women are better and they can have babies. All cultures are equally good. Discrimination is always wrong. Evangelicals are repressive but nobody else is. Celebrate diversity."

11:58 AM  

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